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  • Writer's pictureKeith

Weekly Activities. Week 5 - Make a card for someone special


Make a card for someone special using natural materials.

Links to EYFS:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding of the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design


We decided to make a card for the children to give to someone special in their lives.

We asked the children to start by choosing a piece of coloured card. We asked them to tell us what the different colours were and why they chose the colour they did. We drew a heart shape on the front of the card and the children used a pair of scissors to cut it out. They decorated the heart by gluing a variety of different natural materials to it: leaves, twigs, wool, string, nut shells etc. We helped them to write a special message on the front of the card and they wrote their own messages and drew some fantastic pictures on the inside which was great for helping to develop their fine motor skills. We read what the card said together and talked about the person they wanted to give the card to and what made that person so special.

Home Activity:

Draw some basic shapes on card or paper. Ask your child if they can recognise and name each shape in turn. Ask them to cut out each shape using a pair of scissors (this activity should be supervised). Ask your child to take their cut out shapes around the home and see if they can find other household items that match the shapes they cut out.

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