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  • Keith

Weekly Activities. Week 1 - Pumpkin Carving


Scoop out a pumpkin to make a jack-o'-lantern.

Links to EYFS:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding of the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design


We decided it would be fun for the children to make some jack-o'-lanterns for Autumn this week. We started by using a knife to cut around the top of the pumpkin to make a lid and then removed it. We cut off the underside of the lid which contained the seeds and pulp. The children then used various implements to remove the innards including spoons, tongs and small scoops and put them into a large bowl. We made use of the seeds and pulp to make some play pumpkin soup, pumpkin ice cream and some of the seeds were used as eyes in mud figures as well as being pretend marshmallows, so nothing went to waste.

The children drew a picture of what they wanted to carve into the front of their pumpkins or just drew directly onto it (although some decided to take their pumpkins home without carving anything so they could do it later with their families). Once they were happy with their designs, we used the knife again to carve them into their pumpkins. We placed a tea light into each pumpkin, ready to be lit at home after it got dark.

We talked about the different designs and faces and why they chose them. Some were happy, some were slightly scary and others were just funny.

Home Activity:

Talk to you children about traditions and why they are important to some people. Also discuss your own family traditions and why you value them.

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