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  • Keith

Weekly Activities. Week 1 - Land art


The children experimented using and combining different natural materials and media to create pictures of faces, people, animals, shapes and patterns.

Links to EYFS:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Communication and Language

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding of the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design


We began the weeks activity by asking the children to create a simple shape using sticks found on the ground from around the site. They then began to fill their shapes using different materials including: pinecones; catkins; twigs; flowers; leaves; sycamore seeds; feathers and stones to form pictures and patterns.

We discussed the different colours, patterns, textures and shapes they used. We also compared shapes e.g. a leaf that looks similar to a hand or a bean that looks similar to an eye etc.

Home Activity:

Try creating your own land art with your children and encourage them to talk about what they are creating, how they created it and what other shapes, patterns and pictures they can think of.

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