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  • Tracy

Weekly Activities. Week 1 - 2D and 3D Shapes


Understanding the difference between 2D and 3D shapes.

Links to EYFS:

  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development

  • Communication & Language

  • Physical Development

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding of the World

  • Expressive Arts & Design


This week we are looking at the differences between 2D shapes (flat shapes) and 3D shapes (solid shapes).

We ask the children to start by making a 2D shape on paper and then turn it into a 3D shape using sticks found on the ground and clay rolled into small balls. They can use secateurs to cut the small sticks to size or use the bow saw for thicker sticks or branches. We then talk about the shapes they've chosen to make and they practice writing the letters of their name on a paper plate used to display their chosen shape.

This can also be done as a group activity so they all work together to make one large shape.

Home Activity:

Ask your child to point out 2D and 3D shapes either around the home or when you're out and about e.g. show them a picture of a car in their favourite book and then compare it to a real car. Discuss the differences and encourage them to show you as many examples as they can.

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