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The Woodland Nursery
free drop in sessions
Our drop in sessions have proven very popular with children and parents alike (the adults often seem to enjoy the activities almost as much as the children). It allows parents and careers a chance to experience our Forest School nursery without making any commitments and to see how the children respond to their new natural environment.
We will provide waterproofs for all children but we do ask that children are dressed appropriately as the sessions run regardless of weather*. See the Kit List section of our website for advice regarding appropriate clothing.
Have a look at the slideshow to see what kind of imaginative, messy and creative fun we got up to at some of our previous drop in sessions.
* In the event of extreme high winds the sessions will not run due to the danger of falling branches. In this instance, we make an announcement on our website, Twitter account and Facebook page the previous day and ask that parents ensure they check first before setting out.
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