We've been searching for a permanent site for well over a year now (if fact, we started looking prior to the nursery opening) and are incredibly excited to announce that we've finally found our very own woodland setting to use and develop as we wish.
Our grand plan is to get the children involved from it's conception to every key stage of it's evolution so they can truly call it their own. They will have the opportunity to share their wonderfully creative ideas and watch them magically appear over the coming months.
Having a permanent site will allow us to leave some things permanently set up and new equipment includes:-
* A fantastic new MUD KITCHEN
* A large FIRE PIT complete with log seating
* A TYRE SWING for chuckles, giggles and all-out fun
* A colourful new 'rest and change' BELL TENT
Don't worry though, we will still continue to visit all of our existing woodland, farms and parks but our new site will slowly transform into our permanent base camp.
We have a long way to go yet and lots of hard work in store but with help from some of our lovely parents and volunteers (thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has helped out so far), I'm sure it won't be long until it's become the most exciting and magical Forest School setting ever :)
More updates soon.....