
Feb 28, 2018

Weekly Activities. Week 2 - Numbers and Quantities


Discussing numbers and matching quantities.

Links to EYFS:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding of the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design


This week we are talking all about numbers and quantities. We provide the children with a sheet representing a number and ask them to find natural items (e.g. leaves, small stones, grass, twigs etc) to stick to the sheet which in turn corresponds to the quantity shown. Younger children have numbers ranging from 1-5 and older children, 1-10. We expand on this theme by asking the children to count other things such as jumps, steps and claps. While searching for items to stick to the sheets, we develop the concept of addition by writing one large number by adding two of the smaller numbers on the sheets. Children can also try copying the numbers on their sheets to help develop their writing skills.

Home Activity:

Write a number down from 1-10 and ask your child to find objects corresponding to that number from around the home. Do the same again with a different number and then help them add the two numbers together. Write down the answer for them and then ask them to copy it.

When out and about you can play a similar game by thinking of a number and asking your child to spot something of the same quantity e.g. 2 x lamp posts, 4 x cars etc. If you make it fun to play they will eagerly respond!


This week we have included some pictures of our Blackheath site after the recent snow showers as it looked incredibly picturesque and beautiful and the children had a wonderful time. Rather than close the Nursery (as many traditional nurseries and schools have done) we think snow on the ground is a magical time for children to be outside and we didn't want them to miss out on all the excitement and fun!

